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The Reading2Connect Care Partner Program
(for care partners of individuals living with dementia)

Enhancing Social-Emotional Wellbeing with Age/Dementia Friendly Books


A Program Derived from Evidence-Based Research

The field of senior care is severely under-estimating and often ignoring the latent, intact capacity to read that most long-term care residents still possess. The methodology of Reading2Connect is based on the proven premise that most people living with dementia can still read to some functional degree.

By bringing to the surface older adults’ deeply rooted ability to read and their lifelong familiarity with books, the Reading2Connect Care Partner Program enriches the lives of older adults cognitively, emotionally, and socially.

When a Care Partner purchases the Reading2Connect Program, they receive:

  1. 30-min online training

  2. 3 Print Books of their choice.

  3. 3 Video Books of their choice.


Age Appropriate and Dementia Appropriate Books

The Reading2Connect Books are designed and constructed to be highly readable and easily managed, while retaining the integrity of adult literature. With modified text and abundant illustrations, our books enable most older adults to read and interact with the books on their own.


The content of our books varies widely from popular topics (e.g., pets, sports, gardening) to culturally specific topics (e.g., Civil Rights, the Korean War, Judaism, Japanese American Story). 

The Reading2Connect Books provide the visual scaffolding needed for aging adults to remember, to express themselves, and to genuinely socially connect with others. 


Multiple Languages.
Multiple Formats.

​​The Reading2Connect Books are available in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, German, and Italian.


With the Care Partner Program, our books come as:

  • Physical books printed on washable, tear-resistant paper for infection control and durability.

  • Video Books (in partnership with CareLink360) to be played on a device or TV.


Videos of Reading2Connect in Action!

Reading2Connect Activities for Adults With Dementia
Adults Living with Dementia Sample Reading2Connect
Reading2Connect Activities For Adults Living with Dementia

Best Value

Reading2Connect® Care Partner Program



Ex, Family Members, Hired Companions, Nursing Assistants

Valid until canceled

To Pay by Deposit or Check, Contact Us Directly.

1/2 Hour Online Self-Paced Training Care Partners

Free Access to Our Training for All Family Members

3 Reading2Connect Books on Washable, Tear-Resistant Paper

3 Reading2Connect Video Books

If a Book is Damaged, We Replace it at No Cost

Ongoing, Personal Customer Support

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